Nota de aplicación
Scrolls on which the Pentateuch is inscribed by hand in Hebrew. These are composed of many sheets of parchment or vellum sewn together and mounted on wooden rollers. They are carefully prepared by qualified scribes, or sofers, and are used for public readings during services on Sabbaths, Mondays, Thursdays, and religious festivals.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... formas de información (nombre jerárquico)
- ...... forma de información
- ........ artefacto de información
- .......... <artefactos de información por forma física>
- ............ rollo (artefacto de información)
- .............. magic scroll
- .............. panoramic scrolls
- .............. prayer scrolls
- .............. Torah scrolls